拉丁名:Euphorbia fiherenensis
通用名(Common Name):
亚科(Subfamily): 大戟亚科(Euphorbiaceae)
族群(Tribe): 大戟族(Euphorbieae)
花色(Flower Color): 黄色
分布地域(Distribution): Euphorbia fiherenensis is endemic to South-west Madagascar: Tulear to Fort-Dauphin (delta of the Fiherenana river, slopes of La Table and on the way to St. Augustin) It is common throughout its range where it often forms wide pure stands. (Extent o
形态(Habit): 灌木状
稀有程度(Encounterability): 马达加斯加西南部
养殖方法: 驯鹿大戟是一种易于栽培的物种,喜欢光照充足和干燥的环境。早春换盆,分枝较多,可以对其修剪整形。
繁殖方式: 在春末至夏季,驯鹿大戟很容易通过扦插繁殖。
驯鹿大戟(Euphorbia fiherenensis)